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1000 years of history at a glance

The history of Regensburg reaches back far more than 2000 years

The Stone Ages Men have settled on the Danube Regensburg. The Celtic name Radasbona was the oldest name given to a prehistoric settlement here.

Around 90 A. D. Erection of a Roman cohort-fort in the district of the present-day suburb Kumpfmühl.

179 A. D. The Roman fortress Castra Regina (fortress by the river Regen) is founded for the Third ltalic Legion during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

6th Century A. D. Castra Regina is known as Reganespurc, and is made the residence of the Dukes of the House of Agilolf, and the first capital City of Bavaria.

12th and 13th Centuries Period of flourishing economy with trading connections as far as Paris, Venice and Kiev. At this time Regensburg is one of the wealthiest cities with a very large population. The Romanesque and Gothic architecture of the Middle Ages is still prominent today in the appearance of the old part ot the city.

1135 – 1146 Erection of the Stone Bridge. This miracle of medieval engineering served as a model for many bridge building projects, for example the Charles Bridge in Prague.

1245 Emperor Friedrich II bestows on the city the right of selfgovernment with the privilege of “setting up a Mayor and Council”. Regensburg remains a free Imperial City until 1803.

1542 The Council of the City adopts the Protestant faith. First public celebration of Holy Communion according to the new creed.

1663 – 1806 Regensburg is the seat of the Perpetual lmperial Diet.

1748 The lmperial Postmaster General, Prince Alexander Ferdinand von Thurn und Taxis, is made Principal Commissioner (i. e. the Emperors representative at the lmperial Diet).

1806 Holy Roman Empire dissolved in Regensburg.

1838 Regensburg becomes the capital of the district of Oberpfalz and Regensburg, whose area corresponds roughly to the present administrative disirict called Oberpfalz (Upper Palatinate).

1946 Regensburg classified as a major city.

1965 Laying of a foundation stone of the fourth Bavarian university.

1979 Regensburg celebrates the 1800th anniversary of the foundation of Castra Regina.

2000 World Exhibition “Expo 2000”, 3 decentralized projects, among others: renovation of the old town, renovation of St. Peter’s Cathedral

2004 Bid for European Capital of Culture candidacy

2005 World Heritage Site nomination

2006 Inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List

2006 Visit of Pope Benedict XVI



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